Game Overview
★ Ultimate Showdown: Iconic characters clash in fast-paced battles, including new fighters Simon Belmont, King K. Rool, and all past characters in Super Smash Bros. history.
★ Dynamic Stages: Fight on new stages inspired by Castlevania and Super Mario Odyssey, and use the Stage Morph feature to switch between them mid-battle.
★ New Fighters: Echo fighters Dark Samus, Richter Belmont, and Chrom join the roster, bringing fresh strategies to every match.
★ Multiplayer Mayhem: Enjoy local or online battles, including up to 8 players with various modes and GameCube controller support!
★ 终极对决:经典角色在快节奏的战斗中激烈碰撞,包括新角色西蒙·贝尔蒙特和国王K.鲁尔,以及所有过去的《超级粉碎兄弟》角色。
★ 动态场景:在受《恶魔城》和《超级马里奥:奥德赛》启发的新场景中进行战斗,并使用舞台变形功能在战斗中实时切换场景。
★ 新战斗角色:回声战斗角色黑色山姆斯、里克特·贝尔蒙特和克隆加入阵容,带来全新战术。
★ 多人混战:享受本地或在线对战,最多可容纳8名玩家,支持各种模式和游戏控制器!
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