
NS Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance 真女神轉生Ⅴ

Original price was: RM248.00.Current price is: RM238.00.

Availability: 5 in stock

Game Overview

In modern-day Tokyo, a gruesome murder leads the protagonist to a new Tokyo called Da’at, a wasteland after an apocalypse. Here, he becomes a Nahobino, a powerful being neither human nor demon, and battles through Da’at to uncover the truth and decide the world’s fate.

Expanded Version: Stunning visuals and improved gameplay with new areas, demons, and music.

Two Story Paths: Choose between a new revenge tale, “Canon of Vengeance,” or the original conflict between angels and demons, “Canon of Creation.”

Post-Apocalyptic World: Explore a destroyed Tokyo filled with mythical demons. Discover new locations and battle or befriend hundreds of demons.



扩展版本: 现代主机的惊艳画面和改进的玩法,新增区域、恶魔和音乐。

两个故事路线: 选择全新的复仇故事“复仇经典”,或体验“创世经典”的原始冲突,两者都充满了矛盾和悲剧的选择。

末日世界: 探索被毁灭的东京,遇见神话恶魔,发现新地点,并与数百只熟悉和新恶魔战斗或成为盟友。在这个充满挑战的世界中,您的选择将决定人类的未来。

Weight 0.1 lbs

Asia Version (Chi)


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Nintendo Switch Game Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance 真女神轉生Ⅴ just at GamedysseyNS Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance 真女神轉生Ⅴ
Original price was: RM248.00.Current price is: RM238.00.

Availability: 5 in stock